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Fundamental British Values

Fundamental British Values

At Stowlawn Primary School we value the diversity of backgrounds of all pupils, families and wider school community. 


Schools should promote the fundamental British Values which are defined as follows:

  • Democracy

  • The rule of law

  • Individual liberty

  • Mutual respect

  • Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs


Our school reflects British values through our curriculum and in all that we do.  We aim to nurture our children on their journey through life so they can grow into safe, caring, democratic, responsible and tolerant adults who make a positive difference to British society and to the world. We encourage our children to be creative, unique, open-minded and independent individuals, respectful of themselves and of others in our school, our local community and the wider world. 


The Queen's Platinum Jubilee at Stowlawn

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Young Citizens

We use recommended resources from Young Citizens to aid our teaching of Fundamental British Values in school.


Click the image below to see their website, which is packed full of useful information, activities and resources. 


British Values Home Learning Project 

As part of our continuing work on fundamental British Values, we asked the children to focus on what it means to be ‘British’ and what it is like to live in modern Britain.  We asked all children to complete a home learning project over the Easter holidays and to consider what ‘Being British’ and living in Britain means to them and their families.


We used our home learning projects to celebrate the diversity across school; sharing what life is like for different people in our school community.



The Big Legal Lesson

As part of our democracy focus, we are taking part in the Big Legal Lesson week commencing 14/03/2022. Throughout this week, children will have the opportunity to learn about the role law and justice plays in society. 


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