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Our Governors

Governing Body

Governors serve a four year term of office. However, there are vacancies from time to time and anyone interested in becoming a governor should contact the Head Teacher.


This is an effective Governing Board that has sustained the positive Ofsted findings of 2013


Strengths include:


  • Strong links between school improvement planning and Governor scrutiny and monitoring

  • A strong skill set on the Governing Board

  • Effective partnership working between Governors and Senior Leaders

  • Robust Financial Management


Governing Body Attendance Records 

Click below to view governor attendance


Everyone has voting rights except the bursar who attends Finance and General Purpose Meetings.


Committee Structure​

Full Governing Body 


Chair of Governors: Sarah Fullard



Termly meetings

Curriculum Committee


Chair of Governors:  Sarah Fullard



Committe Chair: Sarah Fullard

Headteacher: Kathryn Charles

Staff Governor: Lindsay Clarke

Co-opted Governor: Jennifer Perks

Co-opted Governor: Sheryl Davis





Any three Governors not employed by the School and without interest and not involved in the original deliberations

Pay Appeal


Any three Governors not employed by the School and without interest and not involved in the original deliberations


Finance, General Purposes and Health and Safety/Site Management


Chair of Governors: Sarah Fullard


Committe Chair: Steve Nicholls

Headteacher: Kathryn Charles

Co-opted Governor: Jennifer Perks

Co-opted Governor: Mandy Wellings School Business

Parent Governor: Adam Shakespeare

Manager : Ian Martin

Headteacher Performance 


Mrs Sarah Fullard

Mrs Jennifer Perks


Pay / Personnel


Chair of Governors: Sarah Fullard

Co-opted Governor: Jennifer Perks

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