Primary School

SEND and Inclusion at Stowlawn
At Stowlawn Primary School we believe that every child is unique and special.
Here at Stowlawn, we work together to support the needs of children which is overseen by our Inclusion team. This is a network of teachers and senior leaders who oversee the provision for children across school, monitor progress and make necessary referrals to External Agencies.
We strive to meet the needs of all pupils within our school regardless of special educational needs and disabilities. We aim to maximise the potential of all students by responding to their diverse needs, reducing barriers to learning and increasing participation.
All staff are trained to recognise and teach children with SEND across the school and this enables us to deliver the highest quality support for our pupils. We aim to quickly identify pupils who need additional support and ensure that provision is put in place to cater to their needs and promote learning. All interventions and supportive provisions put in place for a child will be assessed for impact, reviewed and updated as needed. We work alongside a variety of External Agencies who will support in identification of children with additional needs and advise on strategies to implement in school. We will use the advice from external agencies and supporting professionals when needed and build their recommendations into our everyday curriculum to better respond to the four areas of need identified in the Code of Practice. These are Communication and Interaction, Social, Emotional and Mental Health, Cognition and Learning and finally, Sensory and Physical needs.
We strive to build positive relationships with parents to ensure that children are supported both in school and at home. Teachers, support staff and the Inclusion team are happy to communicate with parents formally and informally. We believe that parents and families are an integral part of supporting children with additional needs and should be fully involved in discussions about their child and the type of support needed for them to succeed.
All staff are committed to meeting the needs of all our children and strive to break down any barriers that may be preventing children from reaching their full potential. As a school, we recognize the importance of not only supporting a child’s academic needs but also developing their behavioral, social and emotional skills to ensure that they become confident, independent learners.
If parents have any questions or concerns they wish to discuss further, please contact school to speak to a member of staff, the Headteacher, SENCO or assistant head of inclusion.
Important Contacts:
Headteacher: Mrs K Charles
Assistant Head of Inclusion: Mrs S Whitehouse
SENCo: Mrs R Glover
Pastoral/parent support: Mrs D Manby
Behaviour support: Mr A Osborne
The tabs below will provide detailed information about the various areas of SEND here at Stowlawn and some of the initiatives we run in school to support our children.