Primary School
The Importance of Mathematics is a creative and highly inter-connected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary in most forms of employment. A high-quality mathematics education, therefore, provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.
Mathematics is a proficiency which involves confidence and competence with numbers and measures. It requires an understanding of the number system, a repertoire of computational skills and an ability to solve number problems in a variety of ways in which information is gathered by counting and measuring and is presented in graphs, diagrams, charts and tables.
Mathematics gives children a way of coming to terms with their environment. Practical tasks and real life problems can be approached from a mathematical point of view. Mathematics provides children with imaginative areas of exploration and study and gives them the materials upon which to exercise their mathematical skills. These skills are a necessary tool of everyday life. Mathematics should help children to develop an appreciation of, and enjoyment in, the subject itself; as well as a realisation of its role in other curriculum areas.
This document explains the different ways and methods calculations can be taught within our maths curriculum. This is really helpful if you're working with your children at home:
This document explains what maths looks like in our school, how we teach it and the organisation of our maths curriculum:
99 Club
To support our pupils with times tables, we have introduced the 99 Club from Year 1 to Year 6. The 99 Club is a progressive programme that aims to encourage pupils to improve their mental calculations, particularly with the recall of multiplication and division facts. The idea is that with repeated practise, the pupils should increase in speed and confidence when tackling mental maths problems.
The 99 Club begins at the 11 Club and progresses up to the 99 Club. Once the children have reached the 99 Club there is an 'Elite Club' of Bronze, Silver and Gold. The Initial 11 Club involves eleven problems which involve doubling numbers up to ten, e.g. 5+5, 8+8. The 22 Club then adds eleven further questions involving repeated addition for numbers from one to ten, e.g. 3+3+3+3. It is at the 33 Club where the times tables are introduced. By the time the children reach the 77 Club the division facts are added. The ultimate challenge is to complete all 99 questions from the 99 Club unaided, with no errors and within 5 minutes.
Each week, your child will be tested on their current level and within the allotted time of 5 minutes. If all calculations are answered correctly two weeks in a row, they will move up to the next club.
Here is a full breakdown of the '99 Club' levels:
11 Club - 11 questions involving doubling numbers from one to ten
22 Club - 22 questions involving repeated addition of numbers from one to ten
33 Club - 33 questions introducing the 2x, 3x, 5x and 10x tables
44 Club - 44 questions adding in the 1x, 4x and 6x tables
55 Club - 55 questions adding in the 7x and 8x tables
66 Club - 66 questions adding in the 9x, 11x and 12x tables
77 Club - 77 questions consisting of the inverse division facts
88 Club - 88 questions of mixed multiplication and division facts
99 Club - 99 questions of mixed multiplication and division facts
Elite Club - Over 100 questions, including square numbers, square roots and cubed numbers for those children proficient with all multiplication and division facts, broken into BRONZE, SILVER and GOLD.