Primary School
Anti-Bullying Ambassadors
Our Anti-bullying Ambassadors are a team of children who believe that bullying behaviour is not acceptable and should not be part of everyday life at school. They are passionate about anti-bullying and stand up to bullying behaviour; they believe they can make change for the better. The representatives, from Years 1 to 6, work to raise an understanding and awareness of what bullying is, within school and in the local community.
They work to support their peers and stand against any form of bullying: aiming to ensure Stowlawn is a bully-free zone. They stand to shape attitudes and change behaviours. Their ultimate aim is to look out for others and act as a strong voice for the school community. Our anti-bullying ambassadors look out for bullying, support those that are possibly being bullied and act as a listening ear to anyone that may want to talk.
The Anti-bullying Ambassadors’ overarching targets:
To create a happy and safe learning environment for all, which in turn can boost attendance and attainment levels.
To develop resilience, confidence, and positive healthy relationships amongst young people.