Primary School

Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)

Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) has a clear and crucial place here at Stowlawn Primary. We know that learning a language is an ongoing skill. In English, we are learning brand new vocabulary every day through a host of topics, books, and conversations. Learning French is just the same! Every lesson is filled with learning new words and phrases, practising talking to each other in French and drawing similarities between French and the English language.
By learning French, we are bridging the cultural gap between where we live in Wolverhampton and other cultures and languages. We become understanding of the challenges of learning a new language, and we are inclusive of all abilities including those who speak more than one language in our school. As well as learning to love and appreciate where we come from and where we live, we want to inspire children to explore the world outside of Bilston, Wolverhampton and the United Kingdom. Exploring the wider world brings the hopes of seeking opportunities and interests that captivate us – no matter where we live!
Through our curriculum, phonics is revisited from Key Stage 1 through the learning of French in Key Stage 2. Through reading, writing, speaking and listening, children can develop their grammar, build oracy skills, and understand linguistic acquisition and pronunciation. Our lessons offer appropriate levels of challenge that ensure pupils learn effectively: pupils acquire a growing bank of vocabulary, language skills and grammatical knowledge organised around interesting topics and themes from La Famille (my family) to L’ancienne Histoire de la Grande Bretagne (Ancient Britain). Lessons at Stowlawn Primary include:
problem-solving activities
fun and games
class quizzes
linking English and French words
French songs and stories
lots of speaking, listening, reading and writing practise
The learning is open, practical and encourages involvement from all children regardless of any special educational need. We aim for children to be as confident and comfortable as possible whilst they speak in French in a safe and visual environment.
MFL is a lesson like no other – we love language learning and exploring the world outside of Bilston. We’re from Wolverhampton, but we can access any world we want to!
We follow the Language Angels schemes of learning to scaffold our teaching of MFL, all children in Key Stage 2 should have their logins on the back of their reading diaries. This will enable them to log in and play the games and activities from home!
Click the link below to be taken to the Language Angels login page!